On November 30th 2022, The People’s Committee of Cai Lậy district in collaboration with INVESTIP Industrial Property Joint Stock Company held a conference in which announce the results of building, granting the right to use and suggesting plans to develop the “Cai Lậy Sausage” trademark.
With the goal of improving brand value, promoting and developing the “Cai Lậy sausage” product as well as building the value chain which brings sustained development of long-term economic benefits to civilians and enterprises. On December 21st 2022, the Department of Scienece and Technology of Tiền Giang province in collaboration with Intellectual Property Company INVESTIP carried out fundemental science and technology tasks in 2020 titled: “Building, managing and developing the “Cai Lậy Sausage” trademark for the sausage product of Cai Lậy, Tiền Giang province”.
The project was implemented in 24 months with the following goals: building the trademark profile of “Cai Lậy Sausage”; establishing an organizational system, means and conditions of management, exploitation and develoment the trademark of “Cai Lậy Sausage”; developing plans to promote, develop and exploit the trademark of “Cai Lậy Sausage”.
On Octorber 24th 2022, the Intellectual Porperty Office of Viet Nam granted the trademark certification no. 442627 for “Cai Lậy Sausage”.
The making of the trademark certification for Cai Lậy Sausage aims to facilitate production households in enhancing product value, affirming the product reputation, creditability and quality across the market which contributes to the conservation and promotion of traditional crafts of the district.
Cai Lậy district receives the “Cai Lậy Sausage” trademark protection certification
Full view of the trademark protection certification ceremony for “Cai Lậy Sausage”

The People’s Committee of Cai Lay town awarded the certificate of the right to use the trademark “Cai Lậy Sausage” for 5 organizations, households, individuals who contributes to the production and commerce activities in the proximity of Cai Lậy district

Display and presentation area of “Cai Lậy Sausage”