The Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam (IPVN) has recently published a list of domestic design and patent cases. These cases involve Vietnamese entities and cover all 63 provinces and cities in Vietnam in the first six months of 2023. These statistics offer the most up-to-date information on domestic patents and designs. It’s important to note that the term “patent” as used here includes both patent for invention and patent for utility solution (utility model).
Numbers of applications in the first six months of 2023
It is not surprising that the majority of patent and design applications in Vietnam are concentrated in Hanoi, the capital, and Ho Chi Minh City, the main economic center. These cities play a significant role in various industries and have a higher concentration of businesses and research institutions. To gain a better understanding of this concentration, it would be helpful to analyze a graph comparing the difference in the number of patent and design applications between Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and the total of other regions in Vietnam.

Overall, the data indicates that the total number of patent and design applications in Vietnam is 554 and 932 applications, respectively. As is illustrated by the pie chart, Hanoi has the highest number of patent applications with 269 applications, making up 49% of the total. On the other hand, HCM City has the highest percentage of design applications with 317 applications, accounting for 34% of the total number of design applications.
Numbers of granted cases in the first six months of 2023
The statistics also include numbers of granted patents and designs as shown below.

Numbers of applications – compared with the first six months of 2022
Next, the below graph describes the difference in the number of patent and design applications in Vietnam between the first six months of 2022 and 2023.

Compared with the same period last year, the graph indicates that the number of patent applications has decreased slightly by 14.77%. By contrast, the number of design applications has increased marginally by 10.17%.
Numbers of granted cases – compared with the first six months of 2022
In the following, the graph describes the difference in the number of granted patents and designs in Vietnam between the first six months of 2022 and 2023.

In the first half of 2023, Vietnam has witnessed a remarkable increase of 60.31% in the number of patents issued and 12.02% in the number of designs issued compared to the same period last year. The recent growth in the number of granted patents and designs can be attributed to the efforts of the IPVN. The IPVN plays an important role in promoting and protecting intellectual property rights within the country. By streamlining the patent application and examination processes, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of patent examination, and providing support and guidance to applicants, the IPVN can encourage and facilitate the filing and approval of patents and designs. Such efforts contribute to the overall growth in the number of granted patents and designs, reflecting the increased emphasis on intellectual property rights and innovation in Vietnam.
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By Tran Kim Oanh and Tran Ha Giang
Patent Department